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  • Constructing the Committee:

    • Be in conversation with your chair and trusted colleagues

    • The chair should take the lead in forming this committee if there isn't a formal evaluation committee. If they haven't done this by week 4 or 5 of your first semester, give them a nudge. 

    • Keep in mind that the committee will submit ONE set of letters representative of the committee as a whole. 

    • You will have evaluations from your committee, your chair, and your dean each year.



(the version with all the signatures):

  • Observations

  • Evaluations 

    • 2 each semester from committee​

    • 1 each AY from dept. chair

  • AWAs

  • Unsolicited student emails about teaching

  • Document ALL service at these levels:

    • Department​

    • College

    • University

    • Service to discipline/field



  • SOEs

    • Attend to the language here as well as the percentages

    • The SOE is written in collaboration with your chair    

  • Evaluations

    • These will be utilized in constructing your teaching narrative


  • Submit a letter of intention (basically a narrativized version of your CV) to the provost, looping in the dean and chair, by September 15th the YEAR BEFORE you will apply for tenure. You will receive a reply and this needs to be saved to be uploaded with your application materials



  • What to upload

    • Promotion Checklist

    • Tenure Checklist

    • CV - make it clear to the reader what has occurred while at WCU - if you grey out older stuff, or highlight WCU specific, whatever

    • Narratives - 5 pages for service, 5 pages for scholarship, 6 pages for teaching (smallest font is 10pt)

    • Evidence of Performance - 10 pages, 10pt font - specific to teaching. Use this space to share assignments, syllabi, etc., that highlight the best of your teaching

    • Supplemental Documents - this is everything else and can be as long as you'd like. Include publications, other syllabi, selected presentations, etc. Reference these materials in your narratives by a coding system. Easiest thing to do: 

      • TE01, TE02, etc. for teaching materials (one number per artifact)​

      • SG01, SG02, etc.,for scholarly growth

      • SV01, SV02, etc., for service

    • All contracts (AWAs, etc)

    • SRISs

  • Include COVID Caveat 

  • Misc:

    • If necessary, you can have colleagues solicit letters of recommendations from students

    • Get an outside letter writer regarding your scholarship if that is available

  • OnBase will create a TOC so you do not need to as you upload stuff



  • If going up for Tenure & Promotion, your committee chair, dept chair, and college dean all must write TWO LETTERS OF REC - one for tenure, one for promotion

  • TeP committee specifics

    • 11 ppl, representatives representing all colleges, as well as a non-classroom faculty

    • Tenure – Y or N vote (majority)

      • Meets or does not meet for each area, and then one vote for overall

    • Promotion – above 85

      • Assign each area out of 100 points

      • Picks median score for each area

      • Multiplied by weighing factor (your percentages of your SOE)

      • Sum of weighting factors become final score



  • Renegotiating SOE percentages - be in discussion with your chair or a trusted mentor, and attend to the description of full professor in the WCU tenure & promotion policies

  • You can also renegotiate your duties, especially if you have taken new ones on (for example, if you have taken on a director position, or if you were hired to teach 3 different subjects and you never were able to develop a syllabus for one of them or we no longer need that area of concentration, you can ask that that be a part of (or removed from) what you are evaluated on during your next promotion)

Pre-Tenure: Courses
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